Predicting Performance

It is Like A Diamond Cert, Only For People

Marcel Tolkowsky is the guy responsible for putting the sparkle in diamond engagement rings. Born in Belgium in 1899 to a Russian family of diamond-cutters, he used his knowledge of engineering to calculate the cutting of a diamond precisely to specific angles and surface proportions. Tolkosky incorporated an exact number of facets allowing light to reflect most effectively in a diamond creating an explosion of brilliance. Tolkovsky’s ideal proportions became the standard against which diamonds are compared to predict the level they will perform or sparkle. The Ideal Cut represents one of the four C’s which determine the value of a diamond and what the jewelry industry refers to as a diamond “cert” or certificate. The closer a diamond matches the ideal proportions, the greater the brilliance of the diamond.

Today, after administering assessments and tracking the performance of thousands of salespeople, I have created the Sisco Sales Score. This algorithm measures 55 points of compatibility using four behavioral sciences. Like the way Tolkovsky’s ideal diamond proportions predict how well a diamond will sparkle or perform, the Sisco Sales Score uses precise behavioral measurements to provide the ideal against which you can gauge and predict future sales performance. The closer the match, the greater the sales potential. A mismatch doesn’t diminish the person, it simply means an individual is better matched to a different job role other than sales.

Overlaying natural behaviors on top of the Sisco Sales Score not only predicts future performance, it also clearly identifies the behaviors which when fine-tuned through training, will move someone closer to the ideal behaviors and competencies resulting in even greater performance. This is great information for a sales manager or the training department to create a customized IEP.

One wrong hiring decision and you inherit an underperforming employee whose issues become your issues, causing ulcers and a team in turmoil, not to mention the financial cost. Easily and accurately predict a job candidate’s future performance by comparing their natural behaviors to those required for success in a sales role.


Three Questions to Increase Revenue
